Category: <span>Main Course</span>

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Chicken Yiaourtloù

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης. Once upon a time an old peasant lady had a rooster. The rooster came to the lady and told her that he was leaving her, to go and make a fortune. Next day he started his long travel. As he was walking, he met a fox....


Marinated Sea Bream with Vegetables

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Being a country surrounded by sea and having over 4,000 islands, Greece is very rich in fish and seafood. In ancient ages, Greeks were very fond of fish consumption and they included them in their symposia. Fishing was a big source of richness especially in the...


Pulled Beef Submarine

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! One of the twelve labors of Hercules, the tenth to be more presice, was the abduction of the Geryon’s Veals and their transfer to Eurystheus in Mycenae. Geryon was a monster with two feet but with three bodies, three heads and six hands and he was...


Chicken Lasagna with Formaela Cheese

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Parnassus is a mountain that stretches among three prefectures in the central area of Greece and has an altitude of 2.457 meters, which makes it one of the highest in the country. According to Greek mythology the mountain took its name from hero Parnassus, who also...


Cauliflower Soup Paprikash

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Cauliflower belongs to the Brassica Oleracea species and it’s been cultivated in the Mediterranean area since ancient ages. “The oldest record of cauliflower dates back to the 6th century B.C.; Pliny wrote about it in the 2nd century. In the 12th century, three varieties were described...


Góghes with Chicken in Orange Sauce

Τη συνταγή στα ελληνικά θα τη βρείτε στο τέλος της ανάρτησης. As I promised in my previous post, I will tell you today everything about my trip to Nafplio. Nafplio was the first capital of Greece after its liberation from Ottoman Empire. You can check more on its history in my post Chicken Casserole. I...


Pork Chops in Balsamic, Rosemary and Thyme Sauce

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! I am sure you all, at some point in your school life or later, have heard of Odysseus. He was one of the Greeks who fought against Trojans in the Trojan War and his achievements along with his idea to build a huge horse inside which...


Broiled Shrimps and Halloumi over Pasta

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Cyprus is an autonomous island on the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea. It is the third largest after Sicily and Sardinia. Also, it is the furthest border of the entire Europe on its southeast. After Trojan War, Greeks have settled there and developed a great...


Whole Wheat Pockets Stuffed with Chicken Avgolemono

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Are you food puritans? No, seriously, do you want the name of a specific dish to apply to the original version of it, or you accept all tweaks and versions to fall under this same name? I had a long conversation the other day with a...