Category: <span>Main Course</span>

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Mediterranean Chicken Drummettes

As we are entering the heart of fall and as schools have already started a month ago, so did colds and viruses. My son had two consecutive bad colds, the last of which left him with a bronchitis that has to be treated with antibiotics. Seems that the whole universe has conspired, so as for...


Polynesian Pork Roast

School has started here and along with this, my everyday suffering as well. Is it my imagination or the boys are –how can I put it in a more gentile manner- more abstract minded than girls? I mean, my son, although he has a brain that works really well, he goofs around and refuses to...


T.G.I. Friday’s Dijon Chicken Pasta

That was supposed to be a short break! Honestly, I had no intention of being away for such a long time. But life sometimes seems to really have other plans for us. This was a very hectic summer for me. First, of all my mom had a knee surgery and I had to look after...


Briam (Greek Ratatouille)

I am trying really hard the past few days to keep up with all of you and I know that I haven’t been much of a follower lately, but several circumstances have kept me from spending much time on the net. One such occasion is my son’s Name Day and his party. Here in Greece,...


Schnitzels with Bran Flake Coat

Before I begin talking to you about this recipe, I would like to dedicate this post to my father-in-law. You all know that one year now he was giving a very hard fight with cancer. He was a very strong person, but unfortunately this decease was proved stronger than him. We lost him on Saturday...


Tortellini Tricolore

First of all I want to apologize for not being able to visit you the last couple of days but again my father-in-law is at the hospital and again our everyday routine has become upside down. I will try to follow up this weekend and the following days. Do you know what desperation means? And...


Chicken Kecap Manis

A few days ago, I paid my regular visit to the book store to see the new circulations of literature books and cook books. As I was browsing the books in the cooking sector, my eye caught a very familiar word ‘Balthazar’. I am sure you all know Balthazar. For my friends from different religions,...


Smoked Salmon Pasta

Today I am going to tell you a little bit about my husband and I will explain also why. I met my husband about 10 years ago in a very difficult period of mine. From the first moment he stood right next to me and helped me overcome the difficulties I was facing. When we...