Category: <span>Main Course</span>

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Coconut Chicken

My first introduction to the Indian culture and Indian people was when I read Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days. I was really impressed and intrigued by the adventures of Phileas Fogg and Passepartout and the mystique of Mrs. Aouda and her country. When I was in high school our literature teacher gave...


Veal a la Francaise

IMPORTANT NOTE: BLOGGER HAS CUT GOOGLE FRIEND CONNECT FROM ALL NON BLOGGER BLOGS, SO IF YOU WANT TO FOLLOW THIS BLOG PLEASE SUBSCRIBE THROUGH FEEDBURNER OR THROUGH MAIL! I am thinking of writing a book. And since this is a food blog, I am sure your first thought is that it is going to be...


Chicken with Yogurt and Barley Crust

As I told you in my previous post the past couple of weeks I faced a small family crisis, which led to some changes in my life. I know many of you saw the news and all the protests in Athens and I thank you for your comments and e-mails. The truth is that I...


Herbed Salmon Over Couscous

Being a citizen of the world apart from the several disadvantages- we all saw how quickly the swine flu was spread throughout the world, or the nuclear accident in Japan that affected all of us, after that tremendous earthquake- it has many advantages as well. For example we get to know about different people and...


Orange Chicken with Rice Noodles

As you know through this blog, I am trying to feed my family with food that comes from different parts of the world. Through food I have the chance to talk to my son about different places and different cultures. Last Saturday as we were talking my son expressed the wish to eat tofu and...


Pork Cutlets with Caramelized Onions in Sweet Wine

In my previous post, the Profiteroles, I received many comments on how I smothered my choux balls in the chocolate ganache. So, I am going to share a little secret with you my international friends; that is how we eat profiteroles in Greece, swimming in the chocolate ganache. A totally decadent sweet which, I dare...


Veal Stroganoff

My brother brought me a little box of Hungarian paprika last year. To tell you the truth, I didn’t have the chance to use it as often as I wanted. So, when I saw this recipe for Beef Stroganoff, I thought that it was the right meal for me to finally use some of this...