Category: <span>Main Course</span>

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Pheasants in Wine Sauce with Bucatini

I know winter is not here yet. I know this because temperature here is in the 30’s C and we still wear our t-shirts. But, and here there is a big but, when someone brings you game, you simply cannot resist the temptation to cook it right away. Let me explain myself. I have a...


Leftovers Lasagna

I am sure most of you if not all, have heard about my country’s severe economic crisis and the harsh economic measurements the government has to put in force in order, at some point in the distant future, for the country to be able to go back on track. There has never been a point...


Veal Madeira with Vlita Greens

Some twenty years ago, when I was in my 20’s, I have started experimenting with dishes from different countries. I remember one day, I invited a certain guy I was interested in and I had to make dinner. The package included everything; candles, long neck glasses, nice tablecloth, wine etc. I was trying to find...


Pasta Alfredo with Jack Daniels Chicken

Three days without internet! Can you believe that? I couldn’t work on my blog, couldn’t visit my friend’s blogs and couldn’t send or receive e-mails. Now, if this had happened during the week, I would have no problem, since I have internet at my office, but during weekend, this sucks. Anyway, internet was finally connected...


Chicken in a Yogurt-Paprika Sauce

Summer is here my friends. I just love it, don’t you? I am trying to be outside as much as possible and I along with my son planted also our tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. I am showing you some pictures. They are small plants but they will grow and I hope in two months we...