Category: <span>Main Course</span>

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Chicken with Chestnuts and Mushrooms – A Guest Post

Bobbi Ann Marshall (BAM) is a registered nurse specializing in cardiology, medical writer, and passionate cook.  She worked for two decades in the American medical field, before moving to Asia in 2008. Bobbi owns a blog called BAM’s Kitchen and focuses on healthy world cuisine, guiding readers with insights into fun and healthy cooking options....


Chicken with Prunes and Orange Juice

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Once upon a time on a sidewalk of a big city there was standing a tree. It was an ugly tree, with withering leaves, completely neglected by people. No birds were singing on its branches and the rays of sun only barely were giving it some...


Squash Stuffed Ravioli Made with Puff Pastry

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! I don’t know if you have seen Captain Corelli’s Mandolin with Nicolas Cage and Penelope Cruz. Captain Antonio Corelli is a Greek-speaking officer of the Italian army with an irrepressibly jovial personality and a passion for the mandolin. The daughter of the village doctor, Pelagia, is...


Pan Seared Scallops with Apple Cider Cream

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! I am sure you all know Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty. Aphrodite, according to myth, was born in the sea. Story says that Zeus’ father, Kronos in order to take the rule from his father Uranus, cut his genitals and threw them in the sea. They...


Greek Style Tortilla Wraps

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! During summer, fruits and vegetables can be found in abundance here. It is this time of season, when all of us consume as many as possible and our summer dishes are making a very good use of them. Apart from s/m where vegetables are sold, usually...


Stromboli Filled with Mediterranean Chicken

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! During the ancient years, Greeks colonized several coastal areas of Southern Italy. Cities in Sicily and the southern part of Italy up to Naples became the home for many Greeks, who were forced to leave their country due to demographic problems such as overcrowding and famine!...


Chicken Souvlaki in Olive Oil & Vinegar Marinade with Citrus Greek Potatoes

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! I am sure you all have heard about Aesop’s Fables. Aesop was an ancient fable maker and writer. He is considered to be the founder of a specific type of literature called allegory (symbolism). It is worth noticing that not even one of his fables was...