Category: <span>Greek</span>

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Savory Cheesecake, Dakos Style

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, at the beginning of the world there were two gods ruling, Uranus (the Sky) and Gaia (the Earth). Uranus, afraid of losing his dominance to his descendants, cast his children into the depths of the earth. Gaia, not liking her husband’s attitude,...


Beef Pastitsada from Corfu Island

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης. Corfu is a beautiful Greek island situated in the north western part of Greece close to Albania. At its west lies the Adriatic Sea and at its east the Ionian Sea. Corfu is laden with battles and conquests and castles can be found in several key...


Chicken Yiaourtloù

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης. Once upon a time an old peasant lady had a rooster. The rooster came to the lady and told her that he was leaving her, to go and make a fortune. Next day he started his long travel. As he was walking, he met a fox....


Marinated Sea Bream with Vegetables

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Being a country surrounded by sea and having over 4,000 islands, Greece is very rich in fish and seafood. In ancient ages, Greeks were very fond of fish consumption and they included them in their symposia. Fishing was a big source of richness especially in the...


Soft Grape Molasses Cookies

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! The cultivation of vines in ancient Greece was quite significant not only to the local industry, but also to the growth of vine cultivation in all European wine producers. Its importance in ancient Greek society can be traced in a quote from the Greek historian Thucydides:...


Loukoumades (Greek Doughnuts)

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! It is said that Loukoumádes are the first written ancient recipe in Europe and belongs to Greeks. Ancient Greeks called them honey tokens. They had a round sharp shape like a disk and they offered them as a prize to the winners on the Olympic Games...


Chicken Lasagna with Formaela Cheese

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Parnassus is a mountain that stretches among three prefectures in the central area of Greece and has an altitude of 2.457 meters, which makes it one of the highest in the country. According to Greek mythology the mountain took its name from hero Parnassus, who also...


Góghes with Chicken in Orange Sauce

Τη συνταγή στα ελληνικά θα τη βρείτε στο τέλος της ανάρτησης. As I promised in my previous post, I will tell you today everything about my trip to Nafplio. Nafplio was the first capital of Greece after its liberation from Ottoman Empire. You can check more on its history in my post Chicken Casserole. I...


Phylo Rolls with Spoon Sweet

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Back in the old days, there were not all these choices people have today, when it came to desserts. There was no television and transportation was hard and quite expensive. Apart from that, refrigerator hadn’t been invented yet and it was hard for people to preserve...


Clean Monday Lagana and Other Lent Meals

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! Today is Clean Monday for Orthodox Christians. This signals the beginning of a forty days’ Lent from now until Easter Saturday, which this year is on 11th of April. This particular Lent is a very strict one, having everyone who follows it to refrain from anything...