Category: <span>Greek</span>

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Mastic Scented Galaktoboureko with Kataifi Phylo

I made this sweet when we came back from the hospital. I just wanted something sweet to elevate my mood. And this one did exactly that! Galaktoboureko is basically a sweet that consists of cream made with semolina and phylo, all of them swimming in syrup. I decided to tweak the all-time classic Greek recipe...


Halvà the Greek Way

Thank you all so much for your concern regarding my son. He is doing fine at his new school and the teacher says to me that he has already made new friends and he was very easily adapted to the new environment. So, in order for me to thank you for all your kind words,...


Chicken with Yogurt and Barley Crust

As I told you in my previous post the past couple of weeks I faced a small family crisis, which led to some changes in my life. I know many of you saw the news and all the protests in Athens and I thank you for your comments and e-mails. The truth is that I...


Herbed Salmon Over Couscous

Being a citizen of the world apart from the several disadvantages- we all saw how quickly the swine flu was spread throughout the world, or the nuclear accident in Japan that affected all of us, after that tremendous earthquake- it has many advantages as well. For example we get to know about different people and...


Saint Basil’s Pie for 2012 (Vasilopita)

You know from my previous year’s post that every New Year’s Day in Greece we have the custom of Vasilopita, which basically is a cake or a tsoureki with a coin in it. We cut pieces of this cake/tsoureki and whoever wins the coin is the lucky of the year. You can find the whole...


Little Chicken Triangles

It’s a fact, I simply love chicken. I don’t know why; perhaps it is because chicken is such a versatile meat that practically goes with almost everything. Anyway, I had two chicken breasts in my fridge and a package of phyllo sheets that was sitting in my freezer almost forever. I needed to do something...


Orange Scented Ravanì

At this point of time, I would like to attribute an acknowledgement. As you all know, a month now, I moved to this new site. None of this would be possible, if it wasn’t for my husband. He worked for two months, so as for me to have this new home. He designed and implemented...


Mediterranean Chicken Drummettes

As we are entering the heart of fall and as schools have already started a month ago, so did colds and viruses. My son had two consecutive bad colds, the last of which left him with a bronchitis that has to be treated with antibiotics. Seems that the whole universe has conspired, so as for...